This blog is intended to serve as an analysis and commentary of various documentaries offer insightful insights on them (do not get your hopes up). This is mainly in hopes that I would watch them. I have yet to actually watch a whole documentary and have been meaning to start this blog now for over a year. Given my current trajectory I will supplement the blog with other stuff that will be either factual based or based upon my personal experiences that I guess could in some way be interpreted as a documentary or day in the life. A disclaimer: this blog is my own personal views and these views expressed may very well disagree with yours; with over 9 billion people on the planet someone is bound to disagree with something. I would also like to state that I am human-- as a human I am prone to make mistakes and errors if I in any way offend you this is my preemptive apology. Also, I understand the blog is called A Documentary a Day, but do not expect daily posts or even weekly posts as in the words of Sweet Brown "ain't nobody got time for that." Enjoy! "I love documentaries, I like observing real people."- Tracey Ullman
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